Real Estate Due Diligence


Uncover Issues Before Selecting a Location

Site selection plays a huge role in construction timelines and project costs. Permit review times, zoning ordinances, and fees can all hinder your ability to complete your project on time and under budget. 

With Permit Place’s Real Estate Due Diligence Reports, let our team research and consolidate all the information you need to know about a location before signing a lease or land purchase agreement.

What Are Real Estate Due Diligence Reports

Permit Place’s Real Estate Due Diligence Reports uncover what you need to understand about a location before making a multi-year commitment.

Zoning Restrictions

What zoning laws will require you to apply for entitlements?

Permit Review & Approval Timeframes

How long does the city or county take to review, comment and approve permits?

Construction Schedule Viability

How likely is it you’ll hit your construction milestones?

Fee Schedules

What can you expect to pay in application and processing fees and when are those fees due?

Potential AHJ Obstacles

Are there any challenges similar projects faced when working with the AHJ?

Submittal Procedures

What is involved in the permit application process and what documentation is required?

Combine this information with all other considerations to find the best location for your business and streamline the construction process. 

What Our Clients Say

In an industry where reputation and timeliness are the keys to success, it is critical to work with companies that I can trust to get the job done right. Permit Report is one of those companies.

Schedule Time To Talk

Let’s schedule 30 minutes to discuss your real estate plans and how Permit Place can help find the right location for your business.