This case study highlights the complexities of navigating municipal permitting processes and how Permit Place’s expertise ensured the project’s success against the odds.
The project embarked on a comprehensive due diligence process designed by Permit Place to preemptively address potential hurdles. This process involves identifying key project contacts and understanding the intricacies of submission requirements including plan formatting, naming standards, fees, building codes, and more.
Despite this thorough preparation, the team faced unexpected challenges post-initial Municipal Permit submittal. The Building Department requested additional documents not previously specified, necessitating time-consuming efforts from the design team to comply.
Furthermore, the electronic and hard copy submission processes, requiring six sets of hard copies, introduced logistical complications. Landscaping, a component of the building permit, required onsite coordination with the landlord to meet specific review standards, leading to delays not anticipated in the project timeline.
The project’s success was highlighted by the approval of all required permits, including municipal permits, Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Fire, and Landscaping, in an impressively efficient timeline. Notably, the AMEP reviews were approved in the first round, with landscaping being the only aspect requiring further coordination, a task that fell to the landlord.
The swift approval process, particularly by the standards of the Santa Fe Building Department—known for its rigorous review processes—was a significant achievement. The landlord credited Permit Place for J. Crew getting the fastest approvals they’d seen.
The relationships forged with both the permit intake and review staff during this process proved invaluable, not only facilitating this project’s success but also setting a precedent for future projects in the region.
Permit Place’s strategic foresight in estimating the timeline and its effective management led to project completion in just 7 weeks, surpassing expectations.
This case study not only celebrates the successful completion of the J. Crew retail expansion project but also underscores Permit Place’s unparalleled expertise in navigating complex permit expediting processes.
Let’s schedule 30 minutes to discuss your project and how Permit Place can help make the permit approval process easier.