Missouri Building Permit, Building Code, Energy Code & Licensing Information

Office of Administration
P.O. Box 809
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: (573) 751-1851
Fax: (573) 751-1212
Get A Free Quote For Your Missouri Permit Online Today!

State Website https://www.mo.gov/
State Licensing Specialty contractor licensing may be required but general contractor licensing is not required by the State of Missouri. Local jurisdictions may also require licensing.
State Building Code The State of Missouri has not adopted statewide energy codes or statewide building codes.  However numerous municipalities and counties throughout Missouri have independently adopted the International Residential Code (IRC), International Building Code (IBC), and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).  The independent adoption of the codes allows Missouri municipalities and counties (all except class III) to adopt any combination of the IRC, IBC, and IECC and municipalities and counties may even forego code adoption. In addition to independently adopting I-Codes, municipalities and counties may adopt any cycle year version; 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, & 2012 & 2015.

It is typical for Missouri communities to adopt codes on a 6-year cycle rather than the 3-year code development cycle for ICC.  It is also typical for communities to follow the code adoption of surrounding communities.  These adoption practices have developed two trends in Missouri; eastern Missouri communities are generally on the 2003 I-codes and are moving/have moved to the 2009 I-codes and western Missouri communities are generally on the 2006 I-codes and are moving to the 2012.

State Licensing Division https://pr.mo.gov/
State Energy Code Information

Current Code:

None Statewide

Amendments / Additional State Code Information:Jurisdictions may adopt energy codes.

The Division of Energy conducted a survey in June 2012 regarding adoption activities within the state. In summary large jurisdictions in Missouri have adopted 2009 IECC or equivalent codes:

  1. Approved Commercial Compliance Tools: COMcheck can be used in areas that allow it.
  2. State Specific Research:Impacts of ASHRAE 90.1-2007 for Commercial Buildings in the State of Missouri (BECP Report, Sept. 2009)
  3. DOE Determination:
    1. ASHRAE 90.1-2007: Yes
    2. ASHRAE 90.1-2010: No
    3. ASHRAE 90.1-2013: No

Energy cost savings for Missouri resulting from the state updating its commercial and residential building energy codes in accordance with federal law are significant, estimated to be on the order of nearly $152 million annually by 2030.

Missouri DOE Determination Letter, May 31, 2013

*source: https://www.energycodes.gov/adoption/states/missouri

State Environmental Permit https://www.dnr.mo.gov/forms/index.html
Missouri Building Permit, Building Code, Energy Code and Licensing Information
As of 2/23/17, the State of Missouri Building Permit, Building and Energy Code is governed locally. There is no Statewide standard