3 Questions Answered for Fast Liquor Permits in San Diego

If you are about to open a restaurant, bar, or other hospitality-based business in San Diego, you may have some questions about California liquor permit laws. After all, you will need to apply and be approved for a liquor permit in San Diego before you are able to serve alcohol at your establishment. Since this can be a make-or-break issue for many new restaurants and food service businesses starting out, it is essential to know how to go about obtaining a fast liquor permit in the city of San Diego, so that your restaurant can be as successful as possible. Here are three of the most frequently-asked questions about liquor permitting in San Diego. 


Are there different types of liquor permits for San Diego restaurants?

Yes. The State of California has several types of alcohol permits and liquor licenses available, Type 41, which permits the sale and consumption of beer and wine only, and Type 47, which allows beer, wine, and hard liquor to be sold and consumed on the premises, are the two most common liquor permit types for San Diego restaurants.


Are there any conditions my restaurant must meet to be eligible for either of these types of liquor permits?

Yes. In order to qualify for a Type 41 or Type 47 liquor permit, your business must be considered a “bona fide eating place,” meaning that the location is equipped with a kitchen that is suitable for serving full meals, as opposed to “bar food,” such as appetizers and pre-packaged snacks. Additionally, you must be able to show that at least 51% of your gross receipts come from food sales.


Once my restaurant is approved for a liquor permit, is there any additional documentation I need?

Yes. In addition to your Type 41 or Type 47 liquor permit, it is mandatory to have a local zoning permit from your municipality. Conditional Use Permits, or CUPs, permit the serving of alcoholic beverages on the premises. Unlike a liquor license, which follows the business regardless of the location, a CUP pertains to the physical building itself, meaning that if the restaurant goes out of business and the building is bought or leased by another restaurant wishing to serve liquor, that building already has a CUP associated with it and re-application is therefore not necessary.


Obtaining your liquor permit is one of the most important steps in opening your San Diego restaurant. Permit Place is here to help answer all of your questions, as well as do the heavy lifting for all your permitting needs. You can count on Permit Place to make sure you meet all deadlines and requirements for obtaining all the permits you need to successfully open your new business.  For more information, check out the California Deparment of Alcoholic Beverage Control.  Call us today at (877)277-4289 to speak with a knowledgeable permitting professional or get a free quote here!

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